! IMMORTALITY : WITHIN OUR REACH; YET SO FAR! TURRITOPSIS DOHRNII For many, immortality is just a fantasy, but for some, it is the part of their life-cycle. But who can be immortal in this present scientific world? Will that be possible?? YES!!! Earth is not just a place with some living creatures; instead it is a goblet of fantasies. Researchers always have keen interest in a special specie of jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii, “The Immortal Jellyfish”. Turritopsis Dohrnii Now, why are they special? Normally, life-cycle of jellyfish, similar to other species, involves stages like growth, reproduction and death. In the year 1988, a marine biology student collected a special type of bell-shaped medusa from Genoa, Italy. A Turritopsis dohrnii also grow to its fully matured stage called ‘medusa’ from polyp stage. But instead of going through ageing process, they opt to move back to their safe and comfortable ‘polyp’ stage. And this to...