VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT – A COLURFUL ENIGMA Voynich Manuscript To be able to solve a puzzle is a success. For this success, knowledge play a vital. Now, what happens when this knowledge itself becomes an unsolved mystery ?? From 1912, one more riddle in the name - Voynich Manuscript was added to the list of decoding to paleographers. The book itself is an artifact with many colorful depictions of herbs, nymphs, cosmological and astrological, rosette, recipe, etc. Voynich codex is carbon-dated to 15th century and was considered as the most mysterious and hard to decode manuscript. Some believed that the book is symbolical to a cult phenomenon. In the year 1865, Villa Mondragone at Frascati, Italy, a construction of 1573, was reconstructing. As a part of selling the many parts the library, Wilfred Voynich, a Wilfred Voynich Polish book-dealer, bought an untitled book. He believed that this mysterious manuscript belonged to the Roger Bacon (1219/20 – 1...